February Section News


On Thursday, February 16, Michigan Production Alliance and Fletcher Camera are presenting a program on new generation camera technology using large scale “full size” imagers. This should be of very great interest to many of our members. Please note that there is an admission charge for this event- $10 advance, $15 door. See MPA meeting notice and registration information on MPA’s website.

As of this date no other technical program is known to be available to Detroit SMPTE for February. If you have a topic on which you could share your knowledge, or could at least host an early evening social / networking meeting for this month at your facility, please let me know. I understand that many would prefer a get-together of this nature over a restaurant “dinner” gathering.


The Michigan Association of Broadcasters Great Lakes Broadcast Expo is coming up on Wednesday, March 14. GLBC has generously given SMPTE free exhibit space.

Chris Hill has again volunteered to man the SMPTE information booth.

If you are attending the Expo, stop by Booth #6 and say hello. Better yet, please also “spell” Chris for a bit!

Chuck Reti, section chair