Detroit Section February 2020 Meeting Notice

Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers

Detroit Section Meeting Notice

February 2020

Joint meeting with Chapter 82. Society of Broadcast Engineers

Date: Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Time: 7:30 pm

Location: Lawrence Technological University, Southfield. Buell Building (#5 on map), Room M211. Park in lot C or D. See map for details.

Speaker: Bill Bennett, Media Solutions Account Manager, ENCO

Subject: The Case to Caption Everything

A presentation to illustrate the importance of captioning all of your media, from regulatory compliance needs to an improved consumer experience and greater monetization of your assets.

In this presentation, ENCO will:

  • Explain Automated Speech Recognition and how it applies to captioning of video and audio content
  • Describe the benefits and drawbacks of today’s various captioning methods
  • Discuss the US regulatory captioning environment, its predicted future, and penalties
  • Explore how the regulatory environment will impact content creators, publishers, venue designers and owners, and systems integrators
  • Overview some new benefits from ASR, such as creation of sidecar simple text file transcripts that are highly searchable, text-based search and navigation of video and audio assets, improved customer experiences by finding the content they want, transcripts of meetings and events or important audio communications, translation for a global marketplace, live and on-demand, and search-engine optimization for improved Internet search results for finding your captioned media.

Time-permitting, Bill will also briefly discuss ENCO’s new live cloud backup, playout and disaster recovery system for radio stations.


No charge to attend – Non-members and friends welcome.

A no-host Managers’ Dinner will be at 5:30 pm at Shield’s, 25101 Telegraph Rd., Southfield (just north of 10 Mile). (248) 356-2702. All are invited to join us.