The future of the Detroit Section

We held a very productive meeting of SMPTE members, interested parties and media students at the Art Institute of Michigan’s Novi campus on Monday evening, October 9, 2017. We were joined by Brian Claypool, the SMPTE Central Region Governor. The discussion centered on a couple main topics. First, of course,

Special Membership Meeting

As of July 1, the Detroit SMPTE Section is in “limbo” status with the national SMPTE organization. For the recent Election period this past spring, we were unable to field a slate of candidates for Section Officers (Chair and Secretary/Treasurer), and had a minimum number for open Manager positions. Since we as

Results of 2016 Section Elections

The annual section elections have closed. Here are the results: Chair (2016-17): Louis Johnson IV, Auxecutive/Arrington-Johnson, LLC Secretary-Treasurer (2016-17): Charles W. Reti, CBS Television Stations Managers (2016-18): Chris Hill, Retired; Gerry Matthews, RingSide Creative, and Frank Maynard, CBS Television Stations Congratulations to the winners and thank you for your service to the